Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thing 20.1 Libraries and Social Networks

After the last tangent post I'll start a new one to stick to the assignment. I joined MySpace and hung around for about an hour exploring, then deleted my account. Too many ads and junk everywhere for me. Maybe that is an age thing. I'll stay on Facebook. I have friends there now and have been a participant for about a month. I have family and work friends. I've written on walls and my wall has been written on, I've even received gifts! I am a fan of Hennepin County Library. I joined a group CCS Blaine -- the school where I worked before the library. Wrote notes to many of my former students. It will be fun to hear back. Finding that group was fun for me - to see their grownup photos and remember them from six+ years ago. I am also a member of the "Library 2.0 Interest Group" and "Librarians and Facebook". The HCL Facebook page offers catalog search, fan photos and chat with a librarian.

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