Monday, February 18, 2008
Thing 23.2 Final Thoughts Sweeping Up
Jenny Levine "What is New about Library 2.0"
"Interactivity is another design feature of Web 2.0. The intent is to give users a rich experience within the system, allowing them to explore on their own and providing many pathways to the end results."
David Tyckoson "That Thing You Do"
"I believe that this program is worthy of our notice. Please feel free to experiment with this site on work time, as the pressure of other work allows."
Marlene Moulton Janssen, Director, Anoka County Library, Email to staff, Subject: 23 Things on a Stick
"In simplest terms, 2.0 is a new way of thinking about libraries. First and foremost, it follows one underlying golden rule: to dynamically interact with and listen to your users to create more user-centered services, both physical and technology-related. Fundamentally, 2.0 is the willingess to enhance library services through collaboration."
"Young adults ask for sites they can use to interact with other teens and library staff, take quizzes, submit reviews, play games, look up information, chat with library staff for assistance, post messages and comments....."
Kimberly Bolan, Meg Canada, Rob Cullin "Web, Library, and Teen Services 2.0"
"Instead of trying to build the best destination, build the best network. The kind of network I'm refering to is a web of interconnections -- links between content and people...The goal: to make your Web site a network hub that connects content and conversations."
Rich Gordan "Get Smart About Your Readers: Ideas & Insights"
Thing 23.1 Final Thoughts
Thing 23. Final Thoughts
Thing 22.2 What Did I Learn Today?
Thing 22.1 What Did I Learn Today?
Thing 22. What Did I Learn Today?
Thing 21.2 BMSOSN Blog Prompts
Thing 21.1 Beyond MySpace:Other Social Networks
Gather is described in this article dated 12/12/05 (the date could be a problem - over 2 years is a LONG time ago in techtime) as a "mix between a lifestyle portal and a content aggregator...". This is a good description I think. Both Gather and Ning are multitasking sites that offer groups, blogs, photoshare, tagging... They add another layer to the opportunities the web offers. In the article "Building a Social Networking Environment at the Library" the statement is made that the social web "represents a cultural shift towards expression, collaboration and interaction...users are not satisfied with simply reading web pages. They are beginning to expect the opportunity to interact online with...(why not?) their library." This is another of the topics that opens boxes for people who think and talk about librarians of tomorrow. Clearly all aspects of social networking are available to the library --- but which ones are useful? From user/patron/open tagging to collection direction and selection -- some of these areas are still considered sacred by many in the profession. Folksonomy can be a very controversial topic. Collaborating has always required studied awareness of dynamics mixed with grace and tact. Think committees. Campion's article suggests three steps toward becoming interactive libraries: education, application, endorsement. The advocates of Library 2.0 agree that this direction is progress, the detractors have many arguments against. Some of the conversation stoppers use words like "fad" and "hype". So here we are at a Step 1: education=23 Things on a Stick. These 23 Things have, I'm sure, set ideas spinning through the our heads. Will we be able to move on to application? Will our supervisors and directors - after opening these doors and windows to us be able to collaborate with us toward the library of the future?
Thing 21. Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Thing 20.1 Libraries and Social Networks
Thing 20. Libraries and Social Networks
Since I had set up a Facebook membership a couple of weeks ago in preparation for 23 Things I thought this thing would be a fast one. However, the first stop was the enormous Teens and Social Media Report from the PEW/Internet & American Life Project. I read through most of the 44 pages and printed out the Summary of Findings (pages 1-6) for my file. (Yes, I have a file for 23 Things.) The insights and statistics for the appeal of social networks is a revisiting of human development. The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs is a blueprint for the how and why of this appeal. The social need for belonging/love/affection/acceptance=groups,
the need for esteem/confidence/achievement/respect=offering and receiving friendship, the need for self-actualization/making and presenting the self/spontaneity/creativity=posting, sharing photos, exposure. This is life -- today made visible in social networks -- moments of understanding and happpiness alone and yet part of the world. These social networks, for all their quirks, are a sign of the culture's positive mental health.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thing 19 Podcasts
Review and Relect---------5 Things to Go
Thing 18.1 YouTube ETC Blog Prompts
Thing 18. YouTube & Other Online Video
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thing 17 ELM Productivity Tools Blog Prompts
Thing 17.4 ELM Productivity Tools NetLibrary
Thing 17.3 ELM Productivity ProQuest
#3 ProQuest -- This one actually went quite well. I think the simple instructions were the key. The instructions followed the sequence of the options so that made sense. I could not, however, find a "radio button" but clicked on something else that led to suggested topics. And then on "view" web sites and social networks. I clicked 2007, full-text, and Washington Post. Then right straight on through the rest of the instructions. I emailed the resulting webpage to my colleague Sheila and to me. I am going to followup now with the Challenge for another practice...
Thing 17.2 ELM Productivity Tools EBSCO
Thing 17.1 ELM Productivity Tools
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thing 17. ELM Productivity Tools
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Thing 16 Student 2.0 Tools
Thing 15.3 Online Games and Libraries
Thing 15.2 Online Games and Libraries
Here is Library Journal's review of Second Life: The Official Guide
Although not a game in the strictest sense of the word, the increasingly popular virtual world of Second Life shares many commonalities with online gaming environments. Libraries interested in Second Life Library 2.0 ( and those serving populations active in virtual environments should pick up a copy of this official, thorough full-color guide. The book walks beginners through getting started in Second Life and customizing their avatars; tells them where to go, what to see, and how to define their virtual existence; and ends with a discussion of the future and impact of Second Life. Its CD contains textures, templates, Avimator animation software, sample animations, videos, and a code for exclusive in-world content. Recommended. (Library Journal, January 15, 2007)
Thing 15.1 Online Games and Libraries
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Thing 15 Online Games and Libraries
All Things....
Thing 14.1 LibraryThing Blog Prompts
Thing 14 LibraryThing
Thing 13.3 Online Productivity Tools What is the Intent of a Tool User?
The dictionary (phrasing mine) helps again:
Tool: a device used to carry out a particular function, a thing used in an occupation or pursuit, software that creates...anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose,
machinery designed for performing a particular job
So as I finish Thing 13 I have two library 2.0 applications alongside me on the desk -- ways that I can personally contribute to the mission and daily routine of the successful 2.0 library. At home I am enjoying the change of my homepage from the MSN default to my own iGoogle.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thing 13.2 Online Productivity Tools
Emily Dickinson
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."
Annie Dillard
Thing 13.1 Online Productivity Tools
Thing 13 Online Productivity Tools
I looked it up from my new iGoogle home page where I placed a gadget from Edited blips follow -- these words and phrases made cogent the 2 hours --so far -- that I have invested in Thing 13. Italics indicate Bold is my emphasis for Thing 13.
-- having the power of producing; generative; creative: a productive effort.
-- producing readily or abundantly; fertile.
-- Economics. producing or tending to produce goods and services having exchange value.
—Synonyms 2. fecund. Productive, fertile, fruitful, prolific apply to the generative aspect of something. Productive refers to a generative source of continuing activity: productive soil; a productive influence. Fertile applies to that in which seeds, literal or figurative, take root: fertile soil; a fertile imagination. Fruitful refers to that which has already produced and is capable of further production: fruitful soil, discovery, theory. Prolific means highly productive: a prolific farm, writer.
—Antonyms 2. sterile.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thing 12.3 Do You Digg? StumbleUpon
--- wabi sabi (had to take the 15 year-old to his performance thing)
Home again I downloaded a toolbar and then -- finally -- up came the glory of StumbleUpon and this is the first page it brought me! My heart was won. I took a breath and went on.
How about this one?
Now this StumbleUpon has amazing soothing and stimulating power. Yeah for Library 2.0 !
Thing 12.2 Do You Digg? Blog Prompts
Thing 12.1 Do You Digg?
Thing 12 Do You Digg?
All Things....
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Thing 11.2 Tagging and Blog Prompts
Thing 11.1 Tagging and
Thing 11. Tagging and
Monday, February 4, 2008
Review and Reflect
Ten Things done. Relecting on those three words is a tension. Here's what I mean. They are most definately NOT done. I've worked through the assignments, yes. I've kicked at the templates and searched for the buttons. I've started projects. Here's the THING - it's that wabi-sabi thing.
"Wabi-sabi is a Japanese expression that roughly translates to the "beauty of
things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete". It is the beauty of
things modest and humble. It is the beauty of things unconventional.
Observe a ceramic cup for a tea ceremony, for example. It might have rough
edges, an irregular shape, and glazing that covers only half of the cup."
Woods and Thoeny in Wikis for Dummies
As I review especially Things 5-10 as am thinking about my efforts and responses as imperfect and imcomplete. And I am thankful for the continuing truth of impermanence. The "public-ness" of this learning is daunting. Here are my blog posts, my "creations", by attempts to execute applications -- out here for all to see. There is support and guidance from the community in the building. Comments and questions fly. I want to raise my hand sometimes and ask the teacher, or feel a stronger sense of mastery of each thing. When I go back to an application I do have a familiar "I've been here before" sense. I take that as progress. The monkey mind buzzes and whirls but I am seeing obvious possibilities and potential for use in the library of everything we've studied so far. On to Thing 11.
Thing 10.1 Wikis
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Thing 10 Wikis
Thing 9.2 Online Collaboration Tools
Taming the Monkey Mind
It's been called the monkey mind - the endless chattering in your head as you jump in your mind from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your relationships, work on 23 Things on a Stick (nan's editorial addition...), or worry over the future. Eventually, you start to feel like your thoughts are spinning in circles and you're left totally confused. One way to tame this wild creature in your head is through meditation - although the paradox is that when you clear your mind for meditation you actually invite the monkey in your mind to play. This is when you are given the opportunity to tame this mental beast by moving beyond thought - to become aware of a thought rather than thinking a thought. The difference is subtle, but significant. When you are aware of your thoughts, you can let your thoughts rise and float away without letting them pull you in different directions. Being able to concentrate is one of the tools that allows you to slow down your thought process and focus on observing your thoughts. To develop your concentration, you may want to start by focusing on the breath while you meditate. Whenever your monkey mind starts acting up, observe your thoughts and then return your focus to your breath.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Thing 9.1 Online Collaboration Tools
Thing 9. Online Collaboration Tools
Are you interested in collaborating
on an easy project using ZOHO Writer?
The project will be a compilation of quotes about Library 2.0.
Email me at
with your email address.
Please write ZOHO in the subject line.
I will add your email to the list of collaborators at ZOHO Writer and we will see if we can make this thing work.