Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing 10 Wikis

Thing 10 is the most confusing one so far. Have I said that about things before this? Maybe. I think this is why. I have never edited a wiki or even thought about editing a wiki so that whole process was in the mystery realm. Not unsolvable -- I just hadn't tried it. I read, of course, and clicked and experimented...a lot. The little Common Craft video on wikis made it look very easy. Hmmmm. The first blip was being unable to access 23 Things on a Stick wiki because I didn't have the invite key. I logged in to Google Groups and asked that question and got an affirming reply with the key -- multitype -- and a "thanks" from our fearless leaders for finding an omission. (You are welcome. SmileyFace.) I explored around the lesson a little more and got so excited that I decided to jump right in. Turns out that jumping right in is actually the CHALLENGE part of Thing 10. Hours later I came up for air. I did open a wiki on PB Wiki and I am going to make another one on Wikispaces just to compare the two.

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